Wing Chun is a soft internal style of southern Chinese martial art which is
highly effective for vibrant health and practical self-defense. Gulao Boxing Association is the premier training studio in the USA offering instruction in two
of the rarest lineages of Wing Chun. Dr. Leung Jan's famed Gulao village Pin
Sun Wing Chun and the art of Siu Lin Tao as taught by Red Boat opera actor Yik
Gulao village Pin Sun Wing Chun was developed in the 1890's by the late King
of Wing Chun. Dr. Leung Jan refined and fused the essence of his life's
knowledge to create his new system. Pin Sun Wing Chun is known for its
relatively simple training, practical applications and specializes in a unique
method of physical conditioning and dynamics. The result is our signature
loose body, short shock force and side body methods which are used for both
offense and defense.
Pin Sun Wing Chun contains fist, dummy and pole methods. The art is rich
with partner training which is key for developing not only fighting skill but
also dexterity of the bridge, physical conditioning and other essential
attributes. The core of Pin Sun Wing Chun is the 'Twelve Hands of Leung Jan"
which are all performed while rotating sideways. Dr. Leung Jan taught this art
to his nephew, Wong Wah Sam, who passed his skill to the Fung family. Gulao Boxing Association is the USA HQ for the Gulao Boxing Association and promotes the
teaching of Dr. Leung Jan as preserved by the late 4th generation Master Sifu,
Fung Ju, and Sifu Henry Mui.
Pin Sun Wing Chun Poem
Although Wing Chun is rare, and easy to learn, it is mastered only with
strong will.
Practicing it often will change you, Siu Lin Tao, Som
Bai Fut, Dai Lin Tao.
Som Gin Choi drops to defend the incoming foot.
Wu Dip, Seung Lung, Fu Mei Choi and Biu Jee are
Hok Bong counters Jit Jee Kum Kiu, while Wan Wun Yiu
and Biu Jee rescue from danger.
The short bridge attack must stick closely to the
body, and Fook Fu is the final level.
Only few will achieve great skill.