Yang Sheng "Life Nourishing" Qigong is an extremely powerful tool for bringing out ones natural human potential and optimal fitness. Physical health and mental well being are a direct result of the practice. The core of our training is 'Zhan Zhuang' (Standing Meditation). The effects of this training are rapid with deep therapeutic results producing a unified and balanced 'mind, body and breath'. Gulao Boxing Association is affiliated with the prestigious MIT Qigong Club & Emei Linji Qigong sect of Grandmaster Fu Wei Zhong. We offer training in both of these highly effective and rare healing systems of Yang Sheng Qigong.

Yiquan Qigong is a modern, simple yet powerful system of holistic healing that was developed by the late Master Wang Xiang Zhai. Yiquan is suitable for any age or athletic ability. Yiquan is essentially formless focusing on natural cultivation and wholesome movement (dynamics). Yiquan's training consists of pile standing meditation, strength testing, friction stepping and other elements all designed heal, strengthen and return the body to the natural state.

Emei Qigong is a comprehensive 800 year old system of Chan (Zen) Qigong that generates vital energy and leads to the attainment of ever higher levels of awareness. The study and practice of Emei Qigong promotes strong physical health, emotional balance and spiritual development. The practice emphasizes internal cultivation and cleansing the heart, which allow latent abilities to surface and the true nature of humanity and one's self to be expressed. Emei Qigong is a way of life that develops compassion, wisdom and power.